Nice People Finish First: Building Teams and Client Relationships That Stand the Test of Time

It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle of deadlines, competition, and the drive for results. Whether you’re working with domestic or global teams manufacturing shoes, lithium batteries, or low-earth orbit satellites (which we do) – the struggle is real. However, at our agency in northern Colorado, we believe that the foundation of long-term success lies in something more enduring: the Golden Rule. Treating others with respect, even during the high-stakes engagements that unfold during product launches, billion-dollar IPOs, or complex acquisitions, kindness isn’t just a moral guideline for our team; it’s a strategic approach that leads to sustainable growth and meaningful relationships. 

And it should be for yours as well.

As the VP of Operations and Client Success, I’ve witnessed firsthand how cultivating a team that values respect and collaboration with clients and vendors can yield extraordinary outcomes. When you work with people who are as passionate about their brands as they are about the relationships they build, amazing things happen.

The Importance of Passionate Partnerships

Building a team that aligns with clients who are passionate about their brands is not just a nice-to-have; it’s a necessity. When both the agency and the client share a deep commitment to the brand’s vision, the partnership becomes more than a business transaction—it becomes a True North commitment grounded in mutual respect and shared goals.

The Golden Rule in Action: Respect for All Stakeholders

Whether an early, medium, or advanced-stage business, the relentless pressure to meet shareholder/investor expectations and achieve KPIs often drives brand teams to operate at a frenetic pace. This urgency can create a high-stress environment where the team dynamics are focused more on immediate results than on fostering sustainable growth and long-term relationships. You‘ve probably been part of teams just like these, where comments like “As soon as this IPO hits, the acquisition is complete, or the spin-out is successful, we can get back to ‘normal.’\” become a battle cry for tolerating bad behavior.

That kind of pressure can often lead to a “survival of the fittest” mentality, and it can quickly become contentious, where both client and vendor teams start sacrificing courtesy and kindness because things are getting hot and timelines, deliverables (or both) are seemingly impossible. Flashback 45 years to our founder Kit Sutorius’ strategic vision of crafting relationships that would stand the test of time. His marathon-esque view of building relationships with brands he loved, and who loved him, made this agency’s natural adoption of respect and kindness for all a part of doing business. And through the decades, we’ve seen how respect and kindness toward all stakeholders—clients, vendors, and customers—create a ripple effect of positivity and success. 

The analogy here is simple: In the animal kingdom, some species thrive by nurturing their young, while others adopt more aggressive tactics. In the business world, brands that “eat their young”—those that prioritize short-term gains over long-term relationships—may see a quick rise but often face inevitable declines. 

In the fast-paced, competitive landscape of business, it’s easy to fall into the trap of prioritizing immediate wins over long-term success. However, true, sustainable growth comes from nurturing relationships with everyone in the good fight—clients, vendors, and employees alike.

High-Growth Brands and the Culture of Collaboration

High-growth brands often demand ultra-responsive, high-energy performance from their agencies. However these brands must recognize that the best agencies are those that provide such resources without compromising their values. An agency culture that prioritizes respect and collaboration will naturally attract and retain top talent—individuals who are not just skilled but also aligned with the agency’s ethos.

Consider the data we’ve gathered at Avocet over the past four+ decades, which underscores the power of long-term client relationships. For example, one of our largest clients, a prominent Colorado nonprofit, has been with us for nearly 17 years. This enduring partnership exemplifies how companies that focus on nurturing relationships not only retain their clients but also achieve scalable growth—far outpacing those that chase short-term gains. This data also validates our commitment to long-term partnerships and highlights why this approach consistently delivers sustainable growth and enduring success. Moreover, Harvard Business Review highlights that increasing customer retention rates by just 5% can lead to a profit increase of 25% to 95%, further emphasizing the long-term value of focusing on client relationships as a driver of scalable growth. 

Nice People Finish First

In today’s market, aggressive tactics might help climbers reach the top faster, but these tactics are rarely sustainable. The real winners are those who build strong, respectful relationships—those who understand that success isn’t just about the numbers but about the people behind them. In my experience, the most successful brands are those that remember the Golden Rule from the playground to the boardroom: Treat others as you want to be treated.

At Avocet Communications, we have built our reputation on fostering relationships based on respect, passion, and collaboration. We believe that when you work with people you love—clients who are as invested in their brands as they are in their relationships—there’s no limit to what can be achieved. The Golden Rule isn’t just a moral compass; it’s a business strategy that ensures not only that nice people finish first, but that they finish with a legacy of meaningful, enduring success. We think Kit would be proud.

As you move through your day tomorrow, consider these three questions:

  • How do your current partnerships reflect your brand’s values?
  • What would your business look like if you worked exclusively with partners who are as passionate about your brand as you are?
  • Could a shift toward a more collaborative and respectful circle of influencers help you achieve more success and long-term sustainability?

Interested in partnering with a fully integrated, highly responsive and internally aligned team that values your brand as much as you do? Contact me and let’s create something amazing together.

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