Avocet’s Report

How Business Leaders Feel About Their Organization’s Marketing Efforts

What’s Working, What’s Not, and Where Opportunities Lie

Differentiate Yourself
Strategize More Efficiently
Maximize Expertise
Track Your Impact

Avocet’s passion for standing out and helping others do the same is what led us to search for insights on how people really feel about marketing at their organizations. The result was a nationwide quantitative attitudinal segmentation study of business leaders where we uncovered opportunities for marketers to embrace their niche and achieve their goals. Download our white paper, watch the webinar and view the visualized research for a peek into what marketers told us—and the opportunities that can help everyone succeed in this space.

Executive Summary

Executive Summary

Help People Help You Succeed

Visualization Research

Visualization Research

Explore the Data from our Research

Marketer's I.V. - Webinar Series

Marketers: What Segment Are You In?

Planning for 2023 and Beyond

The Importance of Differentiation

The Integrate & Ignite Podcast

Entrepreneurial leaps of faith require an enormous amount of business savvy and insight. They also require fearless passion, an unwavering commitment, and the ability to take risks. But, it is the wisest and most successful entrepreneurs that know the value of advice, that can listen, and that can also share their experiences with others.

Avocet’s passion for standing out and helping others do the same is what led us to search for insights on how people really feel about marketing at their organizations. The result was a nationwide quantitative attitudinal segmentation study of business leaders where we uncovered opportunities for marketers to embrace their niche and achieve their goals. Download our white paper, watch the webinar and view the visualized research for a peek into what marketers told us—and the opportunities that can help everyone succeed in this space.

Executive Summary

Executive Summary

Help People Help You Succeed

Visualization Research

Visualization Research

Explore the Data from our Research

Marketer's I.V. - Webinar Series

Marketers: What Segment Are You In?

Webinar Part II

Planning for 2023 and Beyond

Copyright ©2000-2025 Avocet Communications.

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Longmont, CO 80501


2373 Central Park Blvd, Ste 100
Denver, CO 80231
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It’s time to be fearless. It’s time to be bold. Call today and ignite your success! 303.678.7102.

LONGMONT (Headquarters)

425 Main Street
Longmont, CO 80501


2373 Central Park Blvd, Ste 100
Denver, CO 80231
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