I&I Hot Shots Series: Week One

Don't Miss Game-Changing Insights from these Hot Shots!

Introducing Integrate & Ignite’s Hot Shots series. This week, we’re highlighting some truly extraordinary podcast guests, including Lloyd Lewis, president and CEO of arc Thrift Stores, on bringing awareness to a mission; Kirk Dando, of Dando Advisors, on leadership; Bob Tipton on transformative change; and Eric Wallace, founder of Left Hand Brewing, on being an “accidental entrepreneur.” So much to learn!

And keep your eyes peeled for some upcoming news that we cannot wait to share!

Forging Relationships, with Lloyd Lewis

Lloyd Lewis is president and CEO of arc Thrift Stores. Arc provides advocacy for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and is one of the largest employers of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the state of Colorado. Listen to this episode for insight on growing your company internally and in the community.

Listen & Learn

  • How Lloyd holds himself accountable in his drive to the top.
  • Bring awareness to your mission through your community and employees.
  • Take time to get to know your employees.
  • Test different media outlets to find your niche.
  • How nonprofit success can fuel your success.

Putting the client at the center, with Kirk Dando

Kirk Dando, of Dando Advisors, is a leadership expert who has a stunning track record of causing breakthrough growth for companies that face problems stemming from their own success. His bestselling book, Predictive Leadership: Avoiding the 12 Most Common Mistakes that Derail Growth-Hungry Companies, shows executives how to predict and prepare for common business pitfalls. Listen to this episode to learn how to predict problems before they show up.

Listen & Learn

  • How Kirk unlocks leaders’ potential.
  • Motivate yourself by tapping into “the helper’s high.”
  • Kirk’s three types of leaders.
  • How being client-centric is key to securing results.
  • Avoid chaos and scattered results by aligning employees.

Doing Change Through People, with Bob Tipton of R S Tipton, Incorporated

Bob Tipton is a high-energy, innovative, and insightful transformational change architect, leadership facilitator, keynote speaker, and author who is passionate about helping individual groups and entire organizations reach for and achieve exceptional results. Entrepreneurs in need of internal change will benefit from this episode.

Listen & Learn

  • Bob’s transformational change.
  • Why businesses can’t change from the inside out.
  • How Bob rules in, rules out clients.
  • Change should be through people, not to
  • The choice-based leadership strategy.

One Team Communicating the Same Message, with Eric Wallace of Left Hand Brewing

Jon Eric Wallace is the president and co-founder of Indian Peaks Brewing Company, a parent company of Left Hand Brewing Company. He was inspired by the renaissance in craft brewing developing here in the U.S. and, along with co-founder Dick Doore, decided to jump headfirst into the craft beer business. Listen to this podcast to see how passion, creativity, and innovation can fuel the entrepreneur in you.

Listen & Learn

  • Accidental entrepreneurship.
  • The importance of asking, “why can’t we?”
  • Three tools that can help you succeed as an entrepreneur.
  • The “One Team” approach.
  • Why you should set out to do more than you planned

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