Personal Branding

Who you are — your experience, the unique perspective you bring to your industry — goes beyond the brand you represent or the company you work for. Whether it’s hitting the speaker circuit, authoring bylined articles, or writing a book, Personal Branding is a key marketing strategy and one that can have BIG benefits.

We have covered the subject of Personal Branding on the Integrate & Ignite Marketing Podcast several times and have curated a special collection of previous episodes on the subject for you to listen to.

Each guest shares their invaluable insights that can help position YOU as a thought leader and influencer in your space.

Episode 255: Charismatic Personal Branding with Communication Consultant Elizabeth Barry

“It’s not about your education, your knowledge, or your wisdom. It’s about how you portray yourself and how your story is told.”

Listen & Learn:

  • Her nine-step approach to creating an authentic and charismatic personal brand.
  • What it takes to be a charismatic communicator.
  • The importance of sharing your truth with the world and authentically telling your story.
  • The power of “vulnerable coaching.”
  • How to build a leadership legacy.
  • Looking at obstacles through a different lens.

Episode 359: Controlling the Narrative and Defining Your Personal Brand With Personal Branding Strategist Claire Bahn

“Part of Googling yourself is if nothing shows up, a lot of people are going to ask why, and that’s a bad thing.”

Listen & Learn:

  • The importance of consistency across social channels
  • How to leverage your personal brand to gain authority
  • How to manage your social presence
  • Tips for controlling the narrative
  • Why focus and knowing your goals and audience are the most important things
  • The importance of authenticity and energy

Episode 363: Ghostwriting as Part of Your Marketing Strategies with Writer Laura Gale

“The role of the ghostwriter is to be a vessel between you and your audience.”

Listen & Learn:

  • The three-part technical process for defining voice when ghostwriting.
  • Writing a book is not an early-stage strategy.
  • How a ghostwriter is an advocate for the reader.
  • The advantages of having a ghostwriter on your team.
  • The pros and cons of self-publishing vs. using a publisher.
  • How to prep your internal teams prior to a book launch.

To learn more about Avocet’s empowering Personal Branding strategies, reach out to Lori Jones using the form below!

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