“Don’t dress copy up with nonsense; nonsense is a turn-off.” Author Nick Usborne.
Nick Usborne has been working as a copywriter and trainer for 40 years. His 2001 book, Net Words, paved the way for a new generation of online writers and copywriters. Nick coaches his clients to rise above what he calls the “manipulative approach” and instead to engage in what he calls, “Conversational Copywriting,” a more transparent and ethical approach to selling. Nick is about a no-hype, high-engagement, trust-building way to sell online. He has spoken at numerous conferences and conducted in-house seminars and training sessions for many companies, including Yahoo!, Intuit, Walt Disney Attractions, John Deere, National Cancer Institute, and the Information Technology Media Advisory Council. Bestselling author Seth Godin called Nick, “an astute, insightful and original mind.”
Listen & Learn:
- The 7 steps to developing a conversational voice in your writing.
- How to engage your customers on an emotional level with your copywriting.
- Why people are turned off by gobbledygook, sales pitches, and false friendliness.
- The value of “people first” writing.
- Writing should be about the reader, not about the company.
- Why it’s important to listen for emotional drivers.
Powerful marketing copy that’s people first. Call Lori Jones today to learn more. 303-678-7102