6 Steps to Content That People Will Want to Share

Content: it’s a living thing. It starts as a concept, becomes words and then is branded messaging that distinguishes and reinforces who you are and what you do. It has the power to change hearts and minds, and to make people ACT. But 1st it has to motivate to share.

Here is a great acronym from Wharton with tips to achieve this. It’s called STEPPS:

Stepps Infographic-2

Social currency: People feel good when they share. They feel like they’re offering support, imparting
knowledge, or sharing a laugh. Does your content INSPIRE?

Triggers: What’s a story or a proposition – a trigger – that you can tie to your marketing or your core offer? Content triggers keep your proposition top of mind and at the tip of their tongue.

Emotions: Your target audience needs to CARE about what they’ve just seen or read enough to say, “Hey, this is something my community would find valuable.” Content should ENGAGE the mind and the heart and make people FEEL something and MOTIVATE them to do something (in this case, SHARE!).

Public: People need to see your content and hear others talking about it. You need to engage multiple channels to increase exposure.

Practical Value: Do you offer this? “Hacks” are a great example of the most basic practical value. Frame your information with this in mind.

Stories: The ideal world is where people buy and you don’t sell. Storytelling is much better than telling people what you do. What is the key concept you want people to share? Build a narrative and a story that illustrates that concept and exemplifies your proposition and your brand.

You might not be able to do all of these STEPPS all the time, but incorporating two or three of them WELL will help you develop shareable content.

Follow us for more tips and updates on creating content and other integrated marketing ideas to ignite your customers.

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