Hiring and Keeping Talent

The ability to hire and keep talented, passionate, and committed professionals can make or break a business. Turnover, as we all know, is not only costly but can significantly affect the morale and culture of a team.

The frustrating thing is that there really isn’t a sure-fire method or system to follow that ensures that you hire – and keep – the greatest talent out there. Because the truth is, that while, yes, I hire for skills and experience, I also hire based on my gut and heart. And, THAT is an art, not a science.

Kathleen Quinn Votaw CEO of TalenTrust and a recent guest on the Integrate & Ignite podcast, calls it “the people puzzle.” And, it really is. It’s all about how the puzzle pieces FIT together and about mastering the alchemy of creating a Team with a capital T.

And, while I don’t know how to define that magic, I do believe in some core fundamentals that have grounded me over my career when looking for, hiring, and keeping talent.

  1. Create an environment where each individual feels they are an asset to the overall team and to the company. As a leader, this requires that you are accessible and that you take the time to personally connect with each of your team members.
  2. Involve everyone in establishing the business’ overall goals; get everyone invested in the success of the company by including them in setting expectations (including revenue).
  3. Make sure everyone knows – and is even involved in creating – their own job description. A title ultimately doesn’t mean much if it doesn’t match the actual work that is involved. Knowing what is required of you, and where there is room for growth, is empowering. When you are empowered, you want to give 100% and you want to stay in the job.
  4. When hiring, make sure that you (and the team) have spent the time to think through the skills you are REALLY looking for. The vetting process should be thorough and deep. As someone once said, “hire slow, fire fast.”
  5. Utilize valid hiring tools to search for and vet potential candidates.
  6. Create a workplace that is open, honest, and transparent, where everyone’s voice is encouraged, and where listening is paramount.
  7. Offer challenges, encourage a brave and adventurous mindset, and provide opportunities for growth, out-of-the-box exploration, and training when you can.
  8. Acknowledge good work. We are all moving ten thousand miles a minute, but it’s vitally important to STOP…daily…and connect and praise each individual for a job well done. Coming to work everyday and giving your all is so much easier (and even enjoyable) when you know you are appreciated.

The reward for following the above? Strong employee retention and a team that FITS and is loyal and committed to each other AND to your business. THAT is a recipe for success!

Take a listen to these selected Integrate & Ignite podcasts to learn how the experts focus on organizational culture and on creating a team that is in it for the long haul.

  • Episode 47: Solving the “people puzzle” with Kathleen Quinn Votaw CEO of TalenTrust.
  • Episode 92: Setting the right tone when hiring with Thomas Rock Lindsay host of SmallBiz Brainiac and CEO of Humanly HR.
  • Episode 241: How to hire and manage remote teams with Gavin Zuchinski of Acuity Scheduling.


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