Leadership that Drives Strategy

The work we do for our clients – innovative, integrated marketing campaigns that grow their businesses and make them in demand – is always based on keen, strategic planning and creative execution. In the simplest of terms, I define strategy as the direction. I define leadership as the driver that translates that strategy into action. Driving strategy and ensuring execution falls squarely on my shoulders as leader of the agency.

My good friend, and Avocet client, Mike Caflisch, president and CEO of Aircraft Performance Group (APG) is a strategist and leader I admire greatly. APG is the industry leader in flight performance solutions for corporate flight operations, and Mike is leading the company to great heights. When Mike was on the Integrate & Ignite podcast, he told me about F.A.C.E.T., a way that he looks at the different aspects – and responsibilities – of leadership, and the acronym has stayed with me. (You can listen to my interview with Mike here .)

A leader that drives strategy has focus, holds their team accountable, collaborates, motivates by keeping the team’s energy high, and is, above all, a teacher. By keeping the components of F.A.C.E.T. top of mind, I am able to inspire, set direction, assign roles appropriately, monitor the work, and track our success.

All of that, of course, is only do’able when you have focus. I find that the best way to maintain the laser-like concentration needed is to always be asking, “Why?” Why are we deploying this particular tactic? Why is that tactic important to move the needle of success and measurement? We can all get so easily lost in the weeds of doing. We have our tasks, our deadlines, and we get them done. But, inspired leadership reminds us to raise our heads – our eyes and ears – and ask why? Of course, the why can, and often does change. And, therein lies another important quality of effective and impactful leadership: the ability to be agile and to pivot strategy and direction at any given moment.

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It’s time to be fearless. It’s time to be bold. Call today and ignite your success! 303.678.7102.

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Longmont, CO 80501


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Denver, CO 80231
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It’s time to be fearless. It’s time to be bold. Call today and ignite your success! 303.678.7102.

LONGMONT (Headquarters)

425 Main Street
Longmont, CO 80501


2373 Central Park Blvd, Ste 100
Denver, CO 80231
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